Sunday, October 11, 2009

Test Dryout

OK, so after 3 days of Carb deplete we went for Friday carb load. Allthough it was really nice to eat some carbs it was an interesting feeling to loose the energy so quickly. I find it amazing what the changes in food, sometimes drastic sometimes not, make in the overall build of your energy. When i was overweight it was obvious that I was using the "quick" foods to make it through each day by using that energy to burn hot. The work from the last few days has been eye opening.

Saturday was a workout day with Breakfast, and a 4/4 chicken and yam snack. After that there was no water and only 6 oz chicken before i went to bed on saturday night.

Wieght at bedtime 156.5 / Morning Dryout weight was 154

Comp weight for 2 weeks is 154.25 so I should be jsut fine.

Took pictures this morning and will pick the most dramatic to include in this post. Back to real food today and will see what tony has to offer me on Tuesday.

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