Friday, October 9, 2009

Last day of Carb deplete over...

What a day, yesterday was the most challengin gof this transformation yet. I think it was even harder than the first week which I thought was tough. I tried to be an effective teacher but found that everytime I tried to say something it just came out wrong. I ended up grabbing a viola and playing along with the class as they carried me through the day.

Legs went to jello and I was barely able to motivate from place to place. Survived until school got out then went home and crashed for 2 hours. Took some time to drink a shake and then did a solid hour on the treadmill to get the calories burned.

Finished the day with chicken and asperagus as usual and fell asleep. Woke up this morning looking forward to a day of large meals and LOTS of carbs.

Going to be an interesting couple of days with a "test" run dryout and carb load. Next week is stabilization and hi cardio to tighten.

Lori and I worked more on my routine last night and I think we got all the bugs worked out. Should be very nice when it's done. Looking at the pro's do these poses makes me feel very small but I know i will look fine on stage. Been posing daily and really starting to see some good stuff when i look int he mirror.

Exciting to know that we are almost there!

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